T01782 286666

Area of Practice
Public Access
Anis Ali
Called 1997
Lincoln's Inn
e-mail: anis.ali@regentchambers.co.uk
secure: anis.ali@regentchambers.cjsm.net
Anis is an experienced and skilled criminal defence advocate. He is regularly instructed to defend in serious cases often involving homicide, rape and other violent and sexual offences. Much of his work includes the representation of those facing allegations of supplying and/or producing drugs.
His style and approach is appreciated by professional and lay clients alike in being consistently able to demonstrate sensitivity and empathy whilst remaining focussed on complex issues often involving vulnerable individuals.
He has the recognised ability to readily adapt to circumstance and shown the capacity to understand and demonstrate his knowledge through meticulous case preparation and forensic analysis of evidence. As such, he has considerable experience of defending in cases of financial crime including, money laundering and fraud.
Anis has further demonstrated his knowledge and experience in other areas of law. He is instructed frequently in proceedings before the family court involving contact/residence issues, injunctive relief and matters ancillary to divorce.
He is also experienced in appearing in matters concerning immigration, nationality and asylum law.
Anis is fluent in both Urdu and Punjabi. He is able to accept instructions directly under the Public Access arrangements in suitable cases.